Portable Document format (PDF) files are used as a rich quality of document with text, graphics, links and digital signatures, and to share information electronically among others.
.PDF Files Examples. ( A Book in .PDF Format)
For PDF Files to read and write variety of application are available. Adobe Reader is used to view, print and share PDF files. The files cannot be edited through the Reader. For editing purpose Adobe Acrobat is used. Although Adobe is called parent of PDF but anyone can create application to read or write PDF files without paying to adobe because it is royalty free. Sometime user complaints that they cannot open the PDF files on their computer but most of the time files are not corrupted but this happens due to problem in user’s computer system. PDF files can only be viewed by the Reader which is .pdf files supportive.
Adobe Reader 10 For Windows
Some applications are available which make it possible to convert other format files into PDF files and PDF files into other format files. PDF files can be converted into word, excel, image with the PDF converter. The other document type like word, excel and image can also be converted into PDF files with the PDF converter. Other format files can converted back to PDF using all to PDF converter. There is a limitation that only printable files can be converted the non printable files cannot be converted into PDF.